Tuesday, March 26, 2013


ok. it's been awhile. this is just straight up embarrassing. haha so i have to speed you through almost 6 months? wow... welp, we are still here, still married, and still happy! rob and i have been pretty busy with school and opening my new business, holidays, family time, and time spent with each other.

here is my costume for halloween. i was in a 1st grade classroom for a month and so i was in school for halloween and it was seriously so hilarious and so fun to see all 19 of "my" kids dressed up in their different costumes. (if you can't tell by the picture, i was a peacock... hah)

for thanksgiving last year, rob and i got to go to visit his family in santa barbara, ca. yes, my husband grew up in freakin paradise! i love visiting them because a. they are the nicest in laws a girl could ever ask for and love having us and b. when i get there i feel like i am really on vacation!

we found a huge crab and thought it was the coolest thing ever until we realized it was dead... and smelled like rotten fish... p.s. i hope you noticed the chunk of hair above robbie's lip. yes, i know...
 rob learning how to fly a mini kite for kite boarding!
 lovin the beach and sunshine.
rob flyin the kite like a pro
get a good look at that stache because you probs wont see it again... haha
one of my favorite things to do--listen to robbie play the piano! just one of the many things he is absolutely amazing at!
 so these two pictures pretty much account for december in provo. i have realized ever since we got married, we take less and less pictures so it looks like we have no life...
but this is at our friend matson and erica's yearly christmas party. we had so much fun and literally were laughing half the time we were there. p.s. we totally won best roof in the gingerbread house making/decorating contest. obvi. 
best gingerbread house making/decorating partner. ever.  
so for christmas break, it was my parents turn to have us and so my mom is so funny and wanted to do something super fun while we were all together so she booked a mexican cruise for five days! it was so much fun and we really enjoyed the time we all had together with no phones or technology! p.s. i really hope you took note of our ship's name. yup, that's right. we were totally on the same ship that broke down in the middle of the ocean leaving hundreds of passengers stuck with limited food, no electricity and no plumbing. phew we really dodged a bullet on that one!
had to post this picture because it is the typical picture taking scenario that always happens. rachel wants to take a cute picture, frank tries to look tough/never smiles, and briana is annoyed that frank is ruining the picture. classic.  
 love this guy.
 dog towel origami. 
 we are so cute it's kinda sick... haha but we don't care. obvi.
 mini golf champ. never saw that one coming. haha
this picture made it to the mega post because we love it that much. b e s t food on the whole cruise. hands down. (we may or may not have ordered one every meal... don't judge) 
my sisters are gorgeous! love these two. 

this was my best attempt at an elephant... 
biking to centoes in mexico. try not to be too jealous of our sexy helmets.  

the first cenote. 

what it looks like from inside the cenote. 
 family pic. adorbs.
the second one was so pretty! 
clear water. 
 i have a thing for this guy in goggles the size of his face.

 family pic #2. still adorbs.
clearly had no ideas for a swan haha
 catamaran shot. 
snorkeling in the beautiful, clear blue water in cozumel! p.s. this is christmas day. 
snorkeling babes. 

i seriously have such lucky picture taking timing skills. 
 oh yes, he totally saw me take this picture. but oh, was it worth it! he was dancing for legit 10 minutes with a towel wrapped around his head like princess laya. priceless.  


totes got sunburned in cozumel.  
 frank and rob playing shuffle board on the windiest day ever.
robbie won. just a tip for y'all--robbie always wins. no matter what game you play. always. 
 last one of us. i promise. (at least from the cruise... haha)
frank loves pictures. can't you tell?

 after our cruise, i spent the usual new year festivities with my three best friends from high school. we have a tradition where we all get together at lindsey's dad's house and celebrate and welcome in the new year!
aren't my friends hott?!
my handsome date.
 classic pic.
2 0 1 3   
my new years kiss was the best!
robbie had his first experience with whataburger, one of my favorites, (if you have never tried it, just know that it is better than in-n-out... haha ok don't hate me. lets just say it's good, ok?), but rob liked it, especially the shakes! they are so good!
 of course that's my order with the stickers. i'm a picky eater.
 on our visit to the great state of texas, we also got to drive up the capitol and on the way we stopped at the one and only blue bell ice cream factory! we took the tour and got to see all the ice creams being made. it was actually really cool and amazing how they do all that junk haha. at the end of the tour, we even got free ice cream! (the whole reason i did it... haha) 

 of course, on the road, we had to stop at bucee's and get some of their famous beaver nuggets. YUM.
 this is probably the funniest thing i saw on my trip. if you aren't from texas, you just won't understand... hahah 
the capitol building in austin, texas. so so pretty.  
ok, we are back in provo for this picture, eating at one of our new favorite restaurants, black sheep cafe. we really recommend it to anyone who is in provo and is hungry. it is a little on the pricey side, but soo worth it! (the cheesecake is bomb.)
 here is me. just being a genius in class. like always. haha no i just think this picture is hilarious because we legit had to do this in one of my college classes. and sometimes i wonder why robbie makes fun of my major.   
 valentines day. seriously one of my favorite holidays. who wouldn't want to tell someone as amazing and good looking as robbie that they love them?! i couldn't agree more. 
he surprised me with lovely signs in the morning and then flowers and gifts when i got home! he is the b e s t ! 
then, we possibly made the most delicious meal we have ever made. roasted red pepper sauce with portobello mushroom raviolis. probably our top favorite recipe right now. no seriously. 
for president's day, rich, toni and jenna all flew up to park city with some clients to go skiing all week. they were so kind and invited us up to stay with them over the weekend and to ski and board with them saturday and monday! it was seriously a blast, even though i was totally intimidated by everyone's skills in skiing and snowboarding. rich gave me some excellent tips and mini-lessons and i improved a ton so it was way fun!
tearin it up baby. 
 best snowboard partner. ever. 
so just a little while ago, my little sister rachel got her mission call! she has been called to serve in the tahiti papeete mission and i could not be more proud of her! she leaves july 24th to spend 18 months in tahiti teaching the gospel. she will be such an amazing missionary and have no doubts that she will change many lives for the better. i love her so much!
ok, i'm tired. as i'm sure all of you who have made it this far. this is just us snap chattin in church. really nothing else to say about it. except that i was having a great hair day. 

xoxo ashbie 
(ashley + robbie. you know you love us.)