Sunday, February 2, 2014


one thing rob and i love doing is having game nights. it's sometimes difficult to find fun games for only two people, but battleship is perfect for just that.

although alfie looks like he was such an angel, he was very interested in the little pegs... he kept attacking robs board and a few pegs would fall out each time... haha
i didn't get a picture but he also played in the box lid swatting the extra pegs for almost an hour. if you are thinking about getting a cat do not spend a ton of money on toys. they never play with them and find random things much more entertaining. like rubber bands. or plastic grocery bags. or q-tips. or earrings. or your toes. anyways, i think you get the idea... haha

 rob won... surprise, surprise. (for those of you who know rob, he always wins. everything. it's actually really unfair... hahah)

oh well. there's always next time, right? 

xoxo ash

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